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Action Plan for the Conservation of Migratory Anatidae in the East Asian Flyway

Threatened Anatidae species in Khabarovsk Territory, Russia

listed in Red Data Book Khabarovsk Territory (Second edition, 2000)

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The second edition of Red Data Book for fauna and flora in Khabarovsk Territory in the Far Eastern Russia was published in 2000. It listed 10 Anatidae species.

Threatened Anatidae species in Khabarovsk Territory, Russia




Американская казарка
(Тихоокеанская черная казарка)

Branta nigricans

III (Rare)

Серый гусь

Anser anser

III (Rare)


Anser erythropus

III (Rare)

Белый гусь

Chen caerulescens hyperboreus

III (Rare)


Cygnopsis cygnoides

I (Endangered)


Cygnus cygnus

III (Rare)

Малый лебедь

Cygnus bewickii

III (Rare)


Aix galericulata

III (Rare)

Нырок Бэра
(Чернеть Бэра)

Aythya baeri

I (Endangered)

Чешуйчатый крохаль

Mergus squamatus

I (Endangered)


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Красная книга Хабаровского края: Редкие и находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения виды растений и животных. Издание второе, исправленное и дополнкнное. Хабаровск: Ин-т водных и экологических проблем, ДВО РАН, 2000. - 464 с., ил.

Voronov, B.A. (comp.) 2000. Red Data Book Khabarovsk Territory: Rare and Endangered Species of Plants and Animals. Second edition. Institute of Water and Ecology Problems, Far-Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk. 464 pp., in Russian

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The "Action Plan for the Conservation of Migratory Anatidae in the East Asian Flyway" is a component of the "Asia-Pacific Migratory Waterbird Conservation Strategy", and the "Anatidae Site Network in the East Asian Flyway" is a programme of international co-operation to enhance the conservation of the wetlands of international importance for Anatidae (ducks, geese and swans) in the flyway under the "Action Plan". The "Anatidae Working Group" of Asia-Pacific Migratory Waterbird Conservation Committee oversees the implementation of these programmes with technical support from Anatidae Flyway Officer.

For further information, please contact the Anatidae Flyway Officer. Posted 19 September 2001.