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Anatidae Site Network in the East Asian Flyway Contacts1 April 2005 [ in Japanese ] [ Back ] |
The Site Network is an international co-operative programme. If you are interested to assist the Site Network, and/or to take part in various activities in the Network Sites, you may make contact with relevant organisations addressed in this page.
National government State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection, B. Gruzinskaya str. 4/6, Moscow, 123812 Russia. TEL +(7)095 124 5301 / FAX +(7)095 254 8283 Lake Khanka
Torey Lakes
Selenga Delta
Lena Delta
Biosphere Reserve and Zapovednik "Taimyrski"
Zapovednik "Khakasskii"
National government International Cooperation Department, Ministry for Nature and the Environment, Government Building-3, Baga, Toiruu-44, Ulaanbaatar-11, Mongolia. TEL +(976) 1 312 269 / FAX +(976) 1 312 401 / E-mail: baigyam ⓐ magicnet.mn |
Terhiyn Tsaggan Nuur
Ogii Nuur
National government Department of Wildlife & Forest Plants Conservation, State Administration of Forestry, No. 18 Heipingli Dongjie, Beijing, 100714 The People's Republic of China. TEL +(86) 10 8423 8523 / FAX +(86) 10 8423 8532 / E-mail: wildlife ⓐ public.east.cn.net |
Sanjiang National Nature Reserve
Mai Po and Inner Deep Bay
National government Ministry of Enivornment, Govt. Complex II, 1, Joongang-Dong, Kwacheon, Kyunggi-Do, 427 760, Republic of Korea. TEL +(82) 2 5049 284 / FAX +(82) 2 5049 280 / E-mail: eco729 ⓐ chollian.dacom.co.kr |
Cheonsu Bay
National government Wildlife Division, Ministry of the Environment, Kasumigaseki 1-2-2, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8975 Japan. TEL +81-3-3581-3351 ext. 6464 / FAX +81-3-3581-7090 / E-mail: wildlife ⓐ env.go.jp / URL: www.env.go.jp Kutcharo-ko
Akkeshi-ko & Bekambeushi-shitsugen
Katano Kamoike
National government Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, NAPWNC Compound, North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, 1101 Philippines. TEL +(63) 2 924 6031 / FAX +(63) 2 924 0109 / E-mail: pawb-bio ⓐ gaia.psdn.org.ph / URL: www.psdn.org.ph/pawb/ |
Naujan Lake National Park
corespondance address: c/o Anatidae Flyway Officer, JAWGP, Minamimachi 16, Wakayanagi, 989-5502 Japan. TEL +81-228-32-2004 / FAX +81-228-32-3294 / E-mail: afo ⓐ jawgp.org |
Swan Goose Task Force corespondance address: |
Baikal Teal Task Force |
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