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Activities in the Network Sites and
Here reported were various activities in the Site Network and those in the Network Sites and other key sites for Anatidae in the flyway, and under the Action Plan. Specified reports are also found in the index in the left box.
"Water Station Summit 1", Fukushimagata, 22 August 2004.
International Workshop on Wise Use of Lagoon Wetlands, Kushiro, 23-25 Jul 2003.
Anet Newsletter No.3, Guidebook on Katano-kamoike and "Saka'amiryo".
Anet Newsletter No.2, |
Sanjiang Nature Reserve, a Network Site in Heilongjiang Province, China, has changed its status to National Nature Reserve.
Launch of the Website, Yonago Waterbird Sanctuary, a Network Site
Naka-no-Umi Waterbirds International Exchange Foundation, a foundation established by Yonago City Government for management of the Sanctuary, launched its official website, bilingual in English and Japanese at: http://www.yonagomizudorikouen.or.jp
An international workshop has been in preparation to be held in 4-6 October 2000 at a Network Site, Kabukurinuma, Japan. It is organised by the national working group of the Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) in response to the Ramsar Resolution VII.9 (1999), in collaboration with local governments and local NGOs relevant to the lake. A local NGO, Kabukuri Wetland Club, is now seeking voluntary assistace for communication between participants from other Asian countries and local children and people during the workshop, especially at a field work on the lake on the second day. Contact: Mr. M. Kurechi at son_goose@mva.biglobe.ne.jp
Mandarin Duck Society of Japan, a network of people interested in Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata in Japan is being set up. The group is to research and gather information on the species towards the enhancement of the conservation of the species and their habitats in the country. Contact: Prof. Yuzo FUJIMAKI (fujimaki@obihiro.ac.jp).
NASA Space Shuttle (STS-99) launched on 11 Feb 2000 (EST).
It brings an educational programme "EarthKAM". It is a NASA-sponsored program that enables middle school students to take photographs of the Earth from a camera aboard the Space Shuttle.
One of the Japanese school participating in the programme, Kansai Soka Junior and Senior High School opened its website for the activities of the students learning on the programme. They have selected a number of sites across the globe that they wish to study in detail. They include a series of wetlands important for the waterbirds in the East Asian Flyway. The pictures of those wetlands will be on its website, when available, at http://www2.kansai.soka.ed.jp/˜sts-99/indexe.html.
Lake Biwa-ko is the largest lake in the country, a Ramsar Site and an Anatidae Network Site, shared by 21 cities & towns in the Shiga Prefecture. Those local governments of cities, towns and the prefecture establish a committee for enhancement of the public awareness around the lake. They celebrate World Wetlands Day 2000 with the launch of the committe along with a short symposium on 5th and field trips around the Lake open to public on the next day. |
Naujan Lake National Park, a Network Site in Republic of the Philippines, has been designated as the Wetlands of International Importance to the Ramsar List, effective 12 November 1999. |
It was the first dedication ceremony to a Network Site, organised by Tajiri Township Government at the Tajiri Culture Centre. Environment Agency of Japan dedicated a Certificate to the Mayor of the Town. Over the 100 citizens celebrated in the ceremony. Presentations were attached to the ceremony on the Network of the Anatidae key sites, the international importance of the Lake, activities in the enviromental education in the Lake, reporting the Launch Reception in Costa Rica of this May, and others. Refer to the programme of the ceremony. |
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