Anatidae Site Network in the East Asian Flyway Activities
World Wetlands Day 2000 in Anatidae key sites
2 Feb 2000
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Here we would like to collect the activities celebrating WWD 2000, 2 February 2000, the anniversary of Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in and around the Anatidae Network Sites and other key sites for Anatidae populations in the Flyway. Hoping you to join and enjoy the various activities shown here if you have chances, with making contact with the organisers of each activity.
from north to south
- Wetlands International - Russia Programme is producing a calendar called "Amazing Wetlands 2000" illustrated with drawings by the winners of a children's art contest. An exhibition is planned for World Wetlands Day, 2nd February 2000. Ramsar website has an advance exhibition of five of them at <http://ramsar.org/wwd2000_rpt_russia1.htm>.
- Messages around the World "Celebrating our Wetlands of International Importance": Now inviting messages!
- World Wetlands Day in Miyagi, Japan: Various organisations in the Miyagi area, on northern main island (including Lakes Izunuma & Uchinuma, a Ramsar Site; and Lake Kabukurinuma & River Shiroishigawa, Network Sites) will celebrate WWD 2000 in a series of events. Please find detailed information on their website at: <http://www2m.biglobe.ne.jp/~wwd/>.
- Sendai Science Museum opened a web page for the World Wetlands Day in the Museum (in Japanese). They disseminate their activities in the Museum under the "World Wetlands Day in Miyagi, Japan" in the pages.
- Katano Kamoike, Kaga City, Japan: 23 Jan 2000 (06:30-08:00 AM): An observation of morning flight of waterbirds (especially White-fronted Goose) from the roost (the Lake) to the foraging sites (rice fields around) will be held by Kaga City Kamoike Sanctuary (TEL 0761-72-2200 / FAX 0761-72-2935).
- Lake Biwa-ko, Shiga Prefecture, Japan: 6 Feb 2000 (09:00- AM): Field trips for waterbirds and the lake environment will be held in 8 locations along the lake by the Biwa-ko Ramsar Committee in memory of its establishment, with Shiga Field Staff Group and Awami Foundation. Contact: Nature Conservation Division of Shiga Prefecture (TEL 077-528-3484 / FAX 077-528-4846).
- Hakata Bay & Wajiro Tidalflats, Hakata City, Japan: 6 Feb 2000 (13:00-16:30); A JAWAN symposium on wetland restoration, learning from the experiences in Denmark with Dr. Hans Skotte Moller (Denmark Ministry of the Environment and Energy). Contact: Hakata Bay Citizens Alliance (TEL 092-651-8814 / FAX 092-641-2097).
Please visit the website of the Convention <http://ramsar.org> for further information on the WWD 2000 itself.
WWD 2000 brochure "Celebrating Our Wetlands of International Importance" prepared by Convention was translated into Japanese language for the use in the country and Japanese communities abroad: html version and pdf version (676KB) available.
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The "Action Plan for the Conservation of Migratory Anatidae in the East Asian Flyway" is a component of the "Asia-Pacific Migratory Waterbird Conservation Strategy", and the "Anatidae Site Network in the East Asian Flyway" is a programme of international co-operation to enhance the conservation of the wetlands of international importance for Anatidae (ducks, geese and swans) in the flyway under the "Action Plan". The "Anatidae Working Group" of Asia-Pacific Migratory Waterbird Conservation Committee oversees the implementation of these programmes with technical support from Anatidae Flyway Officer.
For further information, please contact the Anatidae Flyway Officer. Posted 5 February 2000.