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Introduction to the Network Sites Zapovednik "Khakasskii"(formerly Chazy Zapovednik) Republic of Khakasiya, Russian Federation [ in Japanese ] [ Back ] |
Zapovednik "Khakasskii" is located in the middle Yenisey Basin in southern Siberia (274,600 ha, centred at 52°30'N, 91°00'E). The zapovednik is a complex of 9 sites widely spread in the Republic of Khakasiya, ranging from 51°30' to 54°30'N (ref: map in Russian in the official website of the Zapovednik). These sites include several key wetlands in between taiga forest, steppe and agricultural landscapes along valleys of the Yenisey River and its tributaries. They are composed of mostly lakes with shallow water, partly surrounded by reeds and partly by steppe or agricultural land.
The Zapovednik formerly called "Chazy" was established in 1991 with including 7 sites. In November 1999, another Zapovednik "Malii Abakan" (104,500 ha) and the Zapovednik "Chazy" were formed into one Zapovednik "Khakasskii". In May 2001, the other area called "Zaimka Likovikh" was added into the zapovednik.
In the sites 44 Anatidae species have been recoded. Main species on migration are Bean Goose Anser fabalis, Tundra Swan Cygnus bewickii and Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus and 9 species of ducks. Taiga Bean Goose Anser fabalis middendorfi is breeding in small numbers.
Information about importance of main wetlands in the Site (by Mr. Prokofiev):
Ulukh-Kol' Lake: concentration of 7,000-8,000 Anatidae; premigration concentrations of 8,000-11,000 ducks, 1,000-2,000 geese, 3,000-3,500 Tundra Swans; 1,000-1,500 Whooper Swans.
"Trekhozerki" (Three Lakes) Site: summer concentration of 2,000-3,000 ducks and 10-20 pairs of Shelduck Tadorna tadorna breeding; on migration 2,000-3,000 geese; 500-1,000 swans, 10,000 ducks.
Unforzen part of Yenisey River: 6,000-8,000 wintering Anatidae of 18 species.
Other important wetlands are: Lake Gor'koe; Sarat Lake and Sarat Bog; Sorokaozerki ("40 Lakes") area and some others.
Zapovednik Administration co-ordinates research and monitoring in the Sites.
The management authority of the Site is:
Zapovednik "Khakasskii"
Krilova street 49a, Abakan, Khakasiya, 655017 Russia.
Telephone: (39022) 6-42-23
E-mail: reserveⓐkhakasnet.ru
URL: www.reserve.khakasnet.ru (in Russian)
Further information of the Site can be found on the internet at:
Activities in and around the Site: |
Summarised from the application form to the Site Network compiled by Dr. Evgeny E. Syroechkovski, Jr. (Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow), an Anatidae Working Group member; and updated with information from the management authority.
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