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What's New in Year 2004[ in Japanese ] [ Back ] |
2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The list of globally threatened species (fauna and flora) was revised from the last 2003 List, and launched on November 2004. No change was observed among the Anatidae species migratory in the East Asian Flyway from 2002 List, besides Red List Categories and Criteria for all of Anatidae species are applied with its version 3.1 (IUCN 2001). List of Anatidae species, searched from the on-line database is attached in the left column. IUCN. 2004. 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. [on-line] www.redlist.org. |
First Partnership Meeting for WSSD Type 2 Initiative "Conservation and Sustainable Use of Sites of International Importance to Migratory Birds in East-Asia, South East Asia and Australasia", 18-19 October 2004, Seosan City, Republic of Korea.
First partnership meeting of the WSSD initiative will bring together senior representation from governments of the region, development agencies, NGO partners, etc. to discuss and develop the future objectives of the partnership. The meeting was held in Seosan City, Republic of Korea, during the Cheonsuman Birdwatching Fair. At the opportunity, 9th Annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Migratory Waterbird Conservation Committee (17-18th), and Public Waterbird Symposium entitled, Biodiversity on the Rice Field in East Asia - The importance of the habitat for waterbirds (19th), as well as 8th meeting of Shorebird Working Group (15-16th) were held jointly. The Strategy Co-ordination Officer posted short summary of a series of meetings on the Wetlands International website for our Strategy, linked on top of the left column. |
22 October - 30 November 2004, Seosan City, Republic of Korea. |
Ministry of the Environment published Japanese translation of Ramsar documents from its 8th Meeting of Contracting Parties of Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, 1971) as printed publication, and distributed to the relevant organisations in the country, including Ramsar Sites and Network Sites for waterbirds (i.e. Shorebirds, Cranes and Anatidae). The Ministry also published its electric version (PDF files) on its website <www.env.go.jp> for wider use in October. |
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) published a series of guidelines for East Asia in 2001. These guidelines have been in translation into Chinese (simplified and traditional), Korean and Japanese with financial support from Ministry of the Environment Japan. By early April, all language editions of "Guidelines for Tourism in Parks and Protected Areas of East Asia", and two editions, in Korean and in Japanese, of "Guidelines for Financing Protected Areas in East Asia" were published on-line in the website of the Commission. The IUCN reported third guideline entitled "Implementation of an Exchange Programme for Protected Areas in East Asia" was also in the process of translation. These guidelines in each language must be useful in parks and protected areas as well as Ramsar Sites and Network Sites for waterbirds in the region. |
During the This report summarises the results of the counts from 1,392 sites in 22 countries. A total of 291 waterbird species and 15 species of wetland-dependent raptors were recorded. A maximum of over 4.5 million waterbirds were counted in 2001. The publication provides distribution maps for 110 species. Full text of the Report Summary is reproduced on the announcement from the Wetlands International (the top link in left side). The printed publication is available from the Natural History Book Service and its on-line edition is available for downloading from the website of Wetlands International. Li, Z.W.D. & Mundkur, T. 2004. Numbers and distribution of Waterbirds and Wetlands in the Asia-Pacific region. Results of the Asian Waterbird Census: 1997-2001. Wetlands International, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 166pp. [on-line] http://www.wetlands.org/pubs&/AWC.htm. |
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