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What's New in Year 2001[ in Japanese ] [ Back ] |
Anet Newsletter No.2 on-line! Second issue of our newsletter from Anatidae Site Network in the East Asian Flyway was published in late November. Some Network Sites reported their activities in this issue, such as from Naujan Lake National Park (Philippines), Yonago Waterbirds Sanctuary (Japan), Lena Delta and Lake Khanka (Russia). Now it is on the way to relevant organisations governmental and non-governmental, Anatidae experts, and others. The PDF version (760KB) of this issue is now on-line in this website, but you may request its hard copy to Flyway Officer at yymⓐmub.biglobe.ne.jp. |
Awareness poster from WWF Arctic Programme: Arctic Wilderness at Risk on-line! |
Lead Poisoning in Waterbirds -- International Update Report 2000 on-line! Wetlands International's 3rd International Update Report on Lead Poisoning in Waterbirds was published in September 2001. It reviewed the problem of lead shot ingestion by waterbirds and analysed the responses to a questionnaire on the situation of the problems in each country at year 2000 from 75 countries in the world, including Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Russian Federation, Thailand, United States of America and Vietnam in the East Asian Flyway. It was the 3rd questionnaire after 1995 and 1997, and the developments in these years were reviewed, with further recommendations to governments, non-governmental organisations, hunters' associations and ammunition manufacturers. The publication was financially supported by the UK Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and the African - Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA). English edition and French edition of the report are downloadable from the Wetlands International at: http://www.wetlands.org/pubs&/Lead_P_Report.htm. |
Publication of Red Data Book Khabarovsk Territory -- second edition. The second edition of Red Data Book for fauna and flora in Khabarovsk Territory in the Far Eastern Russia was published in 2000, by the Institute of Water and Ecology Problems, Far-Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, with financial support from The Japan Trust for Global Environment, Global Environment Forum, and Friends of the Earth - Japan. It described 10 Anatidae species as listed in another page. |
Publication of Asia-Pacific Migratory Waterbird Conservation Strategy: 2001-2005, July 2001. Now on-line! The initiative, under which this Site Network has been promoted, for the 5 years of 2001-2005 was developed in the Okinawa Workshop in October 2000. The prints of the Strategy have been distributed from Wetlands International - Asia Pacific to the relevant organisations governmental and non-governmental to the initiative and Site Networks, and others. Environment Australia provides a web page for browsing and downloading its PDF files at: http://www.ea.gov.au/water/wetlands/mwp/2001-2005/index.html. The print is available from: Japanese translation has been provided in Microsoft Word files on-line at http://www.jawgp.org/anet/str2001j.htm, and Anatidae Action Plan, that is section B of the Strategy, in html has been put on this website. |
The BirdLife International Red Data Book was launched on the World Environment Day, 5 June. The RDB described detailed distribution, up-to-date population status, ecology, threats, conservation measures taken and proposed for each species of globally threatened birds in Asia. The project was supported by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan. It also released on-line with downloadable pdf files for each species at: http://www.rdb.or.id/home.html. |
Mai Po and Inner Deep Bay, the 26th Anatidae Network Site. The famous wetland in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People's Republic of China, joined our Anatidae Site Network. It regularly supports over 20,000 migratory Anatidae populations and more than 1% of the East Asian population of Common Shelduck Tadorna tadorna, in non-breeding season. A series of conservation measures has been implemented in the site, and it is anticipated that it will encourage other Network Sites in enhancement of their activities. Also refer to the introduction page of the site. |
The Duck Specialist Group of Wetlands International has recently published an overview of The Garganey in the former USSR. A compilation of the life-history information by S. Fokin, V. Kuzyakin, H. Kalchreuter and J.S. Kirby (Wetlands International Global Series 7). The publication addresses key gaps in the knowledge of this species in breeding biology and their migration. For further information, please contact: Wetlands International at icuⓐwetlands.agro.nl.
The 1st Conference of the Goose and Swan Study Group of Eastern Europe and North Asia was held in Moscow, 25-27 January 2001. A series of reports were presented and discussions were made on "Problems of studying and conservation of Anseriformes of eastern Europe and north Asia". The Conference approved the full coverage of Anatidae by the Group, strengthening a network of relevant organisations national and international, their concern to the threatened Anatidae populations in the East Asian Flyway in the Resolution. The Chair of Anatidae Working Group, Mr. Kurechi, joined the Conference and reported the activities of Anatidae Site Network under the Asia Pacific Migratory Waterbird Conservation Strategy. Refer to the Resolution for further information.
With celebrating World Wetlands Day 2001, the website was launched in the Symposium on Wetland Management on 2 February 2001 in Quezon City. The former Secretary of Department of Environment and Natural Resource, Mr. Victor O. Ramos pushed the button of its launch: http://www.psdn.org.ph/wetlands/. It reports wetlands of international importance in the country including Naujan Lake National Park, a Network Site in Mindoro Oriental, as well as projects and activities of the Society. The activities for WWD 2001 of the Society have been announced there, including the programme of the Symposium on the 2nd where the Flyway Officer was provided an opportunity to introduce the Anatidae Site Network briefly. |
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